Book Review Becoming an Energy Expert by Paul Webb

Book Link on Amazon :Becoming an Energy Expert : ‘How to manage an organisation’s third largest expense and help our planet’

What I understand from the Book “Becoming an Energy Expert”

  • Like a safety, energy-saving is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Energy-saving cannot be achieved directly implementing any new technology products alone.
  • Energy policy and strategic planning play a major role in energy saving, and then supporting products and software comes next.
  • We can manage What we Monitor (M-Square Protocol Don’t search in google)
  • I strongly believe 1 percentage change strategy will bring cumulative effect on personal life and same implies to energy management also.
  • Again Author has confirmed that BMS not used by customer effectively for the purpose it installed.
  • unlike any other industry and career, the Energy sector will drive us to work in a very motivating environment and brings self-satisfaction because our works contribute to our environment by reducing the carbon footprint on the earth.
This book will not help you to get a certificate of energy auditor or energy manager on the next day, but this book will bring curiosity and fuel yourself to move forward on energy expert path.
Note: unlike western countries, In India and Middle east there is not much commercial private energy production company available.
The organization & Individuals have to depend on the government bodies of electricity needs. So I have no knowledge about the procurement of energy.
This Book gives the idea and wholistic approach to the procurement of energy.
There is a lot of credible information available on these books which we can use it as a checklist in the energy management workflow.
Tips: Don’t worry, if you are completely beginner in the field of electrical, mechanical or energy engineer; this book does not have any annoyed or strange electrical terms except very few terms and that also explained very clearly and simple (kW, kVA, kWh, actual power, Apparent power).

Short Intro About Author Mr Paul Webb

  • Mr Paul Webb has a diverse background developing innovative strategies with a specialty in Energy, Software and Building Management System.
  • He has been involved with many UK Energy Limited companies, Working on key strategic projects.
  • Paul’s qualifications and expertise have seen him sold senior energy-related roles with Trend (now Honeywell), Satchwell (now Schneider), IMServ and the C.EG.B Nuclear power.
  • He is a qualified Chartered Energy Manager with the Energy Institute as well as ESOS Lead Assessor and IS050001 Auditor.
  • Paul has designed the market-leading software platforms Energy Doctor, Energy365 and Energy Phoenix.
  • Founding Director of B2B Energy

I Recommend this Book to

  • Let me start with my industry first which is automation sector, As a BMS Engineer for last 7 years, this books filled a lot of gaps and got an idea about energy sector field and How BMS can contribute and the author clearly mentioned about
    • what is BMS for the customer and BMS not cared/maintained properly and not used BMS for the purpose it was installed.
    • This book explained a dots between the BMS and Energy Sector.
  • Energy Consultant, this book will help the consultant as a simple guide to follow while on-site survey and develop an energy strategy for his/her client.
  • Electrical and Mechanical Consultant, this book will help you to understand what are the various components in electrical and mechanical has energy-related stuff has to care about while engineering design, inspecting works etc. 
  • Business startups who have an idea and planned to start a business in the energy sector, he can get the overall idea about the energy sector.
    • Identify the required skillsets need for energy sector business.
    • Understand customer behaviour and expectation on the context of the energy field.
    • How to Identify the right customers for his business.
    • How to Approach and present energy solution for his/her customer.
  • Facility Engineer/Manager which I believe this book must read and will help the facility engineer and manager to understand
    • How the overall energy consumed in the facility.
    • Understand how to calculate and know the benchmark(recommended standard requirement of energy)for his/her Facility.
    • How to identify Where the hidden energy lost on his/her facility.
    • How to understand the contract documents in the context of an energy solution.
    • This book will help to prepare your personal and company profile and present your solution to the customer.
  • Engineer Who Intends to Pursue Energy Certified, I Recommend this book to read first before to go in-depth for other energy-related resources. this book will helpful for you to understand the overview of energy and show the pathway to go in-depth with other related resources to pursue the certified energy engineer.
  • Finance Manager and Operation Manager, this book will add benefit to knowledge about energy-related operation strategy and its financial impact for the organization.
  • Business Owner, CEO & Managing director,  who interested to understand “How to manage an organization’s third-largest expense and help our planet”
  • Engineering Students, Who interest to know about
    • What is energy?
    • How energy described by an energy industry expert.
    • What are the important components are there in the energy sector?
    • Who has a plan and curious to choose their career path in the energy sector?
And irrespective of any field, I recommend this book to everyone who loves the reading because like safety energy is everyone’s responsibility.

What this Book has inside

  • This book will take you through step by step process how to become an energy expert.
  • This book has some tools and references which will help you out to work out for energy consumption to manage an organization third-largest expenses.
  • This book not limited to any specific industry or go in-depth with any single topics or subject, instead it covers and includes Gas, electricity, transport and water for energy management.
  • Various energy-related Legislation by the government intends to manage energy efficiently.
  • What are the 4 simple steps for energy management strategy?
  • General Rule of thumb for energy management strategy including 12 steps.
  • Energy Management guide and steps for the board of directors.
  • Purchasing energy and best practices including live examples.
  • Information about energy profiling and market standard benchmark in the energy sector.

Final Words

Don’t try to understand each and every word while you read or listen from an expert; just keep it flow until ends to have better insights while you finish it.
Try to digest the books for few pages if you have no idea about what you reading and does not understand anything, but soon you will feel curious about energy management and you will never feel how fast you have finished by end of this book.
Because while you learn any new things, your neurons will try to crawl any related data available in the brain; if not, then it will create new chunk in the brain which you will feel irritated or feel vague but soon your chunk will be strong and feel comfortable by the time passes of reading completely. (Check the course Learn how to learn for detailed understanding).
Expecting upcoming materials from Mr Paul Webb as he mentioned in his LinkedIn Post 
  • 52 Weeks of Energy Insights
  • Becoming a sustainable Energy Expert
  • Energy Management Process Handbook
  • 100 Great People in Energy Management
I encourage and appreciate Mr Paul webb efforts for sharing his enormous experience to newcomer in energy industry.
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