Guide for BMS Operator

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1.BMS Operator Roles & Responsibilities

I am writing about the roles and responsibility of BMS operators by considering that you have basic understating about what is BMS and how it is used in building for controlling and monitoring.
As a BMS operator, you will be assigned as supervisor category to monitor the BMS Software and reports to the senior engineer as per their facility management procedures of building equipment’s parameters shown in graphical live values.
In Addition to this, BMS has basic features like generates alarms if any fault occurs in the building, recording various values called as trend-log and scheduling to on/off the controlling the equipment
As a BMS Operator, you must be aware how HVAC equipment of air handling unit, fan coil unit, the variable air volume in building working so that BMS operator can adjust the temperature setpoint based on the client requirement.
BMS operator has to know how to handle alarm management in BMS software.
When the equipment fails to run on the field or not working properly; the respective controller triggers the alarm based on condition written in the program.
    Eg: If the Room temperature reaches above 30 degree Celsius, BMS Software generate alarms and that should be
  • Checked – BMS Operators has to inform the respective team the check the respective Unit serving room.
  • Acknowledge – BMS operators have to acknowledge the alarm.
  • Disable – if the respective room is vacant or not used, BMS operator can disable the alarm to not to raise again.
  • Ignore – Based on the alarming nature about which is not a high priority.

BMS Operator can able to communicate with the respective engineer to highlight the issues noted on BMS.

  • if any field equipment/BMS controller not working or communicating, then BMS Operator can be able to communicate with respective vendors and get the field issues resolved and should cross-check with BMS System to ensure the working condition of BMS.
  • BMS Operator can be able to prepare a report and submit to his/her focal point.
BMS Operator must know various documents related to BMS, they are
  • IO Schedule,
  • IO termination drawings.
  • Network schematics.
  • The sequence of operation.
  • Control Schematics.
  • Network Schematics
  • Specifications
BMS Operator must know basic idea about other ELV systems in the building and how they are interfaced with BMS.
Able to differentiate and highlight the issues to the right team based on the various problems raises in the building related to BMS, For example
  • If the AHU Equipment graphic page shows trip alarm; that Issues should be highlighted/informed to HVAC Team, not to BMS Vendors.
  • If the AHU not showing proper temperature values or not showing any values; that should be informed to BMS Vendors, not to HVAC Team.
  • After informed/confirmed by HVAC team about the trip alarm and if field showing/working in normal; then it should be informed to BMS vendors about the false alarm.

2.How and where to Get the BMS Operators Jobs

Let us now discuss, how and where to find BMS operator jobs for fresher and experience.
It’s better to have a LinkedIn profile and keep develop your network in BMS related industry on your focused country of job searching.
As a fresher, It’s better to attend some courses online or learn basic concept about BMS system then prepare a resume that shows your interest and skills to pursue a job in BMS operator.
For an experienced candidate, you can apply for the jobs directly by approaching the company/industry.
We need to understand the basic project life cycle of the BMS system and what are the industry are installing/Maintaining their facility by using BMS products
Here are some list of the industry using BMS
High Rise commercial buildings
Big shopping malls
Sports Stadium
5-star hotels
Industry (Normally PLC used for operation), But for lower operation, they use BMS also.
Let us see the project life of BMS from Scratch(Installation) to Operation(Facility Management)
System Integrator or ELV System companies normally do the installation and complete the project by installing any of BMS product like Honeywell, Schneider, Alerton, Trend control systems, Johnson control, Siemens and more for Client/Owner(as mentioned for an above list like hotels, Stadium etc.)facility.
Once the project completed and it will be handed over to the client then the client hire/contract other companies to maintain their building that company name is called the Facility management company
Now here is the list of companies you have to look for the Job

System Integrator/ELV System Companies

There is less scope of the job for BMS operator but still, they may recruit if they company doing maintenance contract after project finishes, here there is a lot of scopes to develop yourself in BMS field if you get the job in this companies.
Normally Facility management companies used to maintain the building operation but whereas some specialist part like BMS system contracted to the system integrator companies.
And another advantage is to have a chance of learning more about different OEM products of BMS since system integrator will not laisse with a single product in today’s competitive business market
Check some of the BMS Companies in Qatar
JBK ControlsIntegraBlack ArrowTechnoqMackins and more their (search in google)

BMS Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) 

These are the companies who actually manufacture the BMS products of controllers, Router, field instruments like sensors/actuators, Software.
They not only manufacture BMS product but also install/maintain the Building management system for any client. where there is the scope of BMS operators job will be available.
You will get a reasonable salary and good working environment as BMS operator in these OEM companies.
Whereas you have to be laisse with single BMS product of the line.
Here are some of the BMS OEM around the world

Client/Owner of the Facility

Client/Owner of the facility is the key person for project life cycle who used to invest money and time to build a valuable project which helps various business to run;
ultimately BMS are implemented/installed in order to maintain the facility 24/7 to save energy of consumption, Keep the monitor and control the equipment in the building for easy maintenance.
Here the client is an individual/Group of business owners, Hotel Management Company, Government bodies, etc
Normally client or owner hire a third-party specialist or contract to maintain their building but whereas they used to keep engineering/Technical team to monitor their facility team also.
In some cases, they used to have complete engineering team to maintain their buildings.
However, there is a lot of opportunities available for BMS operator especially in hotel management companies, Government bodies.
you can approach them directly in their website career section, LinkedIn profile etc and you will get a reasonable salary and good working environment.

Facility management or maintenance companies

Facility management/maintenance companies are used to focus only on maintaining the operation of the facility after the project handed over to the client. Almost every facility management companies have a position of BMS Operators.

3.What Basic knowledge required for BMS Operator jobs

In short, they must be aware and some hands-on experience in the following fields
  • Handle to operate a computer workstation.
  • Microsoft Office Excel.
  • Basic Knowledge about HVAC systems.
  • Basic communications skills.
  • Understand the BMS Documents.
  • Understand the basics of Electrical Panels, Power supply, Controllers, Sensors and actuators.
  • Understand the important features of BMS software like alarm management, trend log, scheduling etc.

4.BMS Operator working environment

As a BMS operator, you will be assigned to monitor the BMS software in-front of a computer workstation and keep record and report to senior management as per their request.
To attend the field issues and problem, there will be a separate team to handle.
In the positive side, there will lot of benefit for you
  • you will get more free time as an operator where you can use to develop your own skill in BMS.
  • If you had completed only basic technical school or diploma, then you can plan to pursue a higher degree in a related field.
  • you will be working under a closed air-conditioned room.
In the negative side.
  • Keep eye on the monitor for a long time will be irritated.
  • Typical routine work will keep your boredom unless you make yourself positive.
  • You can make yourself to positive side if you plan and keep engage yourself with good things

5.How BMS Operators can develop their skill 

As a BMS operator, you can learn easily and develop your skills to programming, testing and commissioning and troubleshooting BMS problem slowly since you have enough time and limited scope of work in buildings whereas normally
  • Every BMS software OEM helps you to provide valuable information on the website for the customer to handle their installed system, you can make use of it by searching on google / OEM by-products part number.
  • If you face any problems on buildings related to BMS, don’ stop only by forwarding issues to the respective team but also get information back once they cleared and what was the root cause of the problem.
  • Since I had enough working experience in BMS for various system/projects, we have noted there will be a lot of contradiction between documents and on-site, it’s better to manage separate folder or documents to record the changes you have noted.
  • Getting understanding about all BMS documents helps you to know more about BMS
  • Develop your LinkedIn connection related to BMS experts, so that you can ask help when you face issues.
  • all BMS software has its own manual and help section (F1).
  • Since BMS covers a broad area of knowledge from HVAC, Networking, Instruments, Programming and etc, try to subscribe related YouTube channel and keep in touch with related knowledge.
  • Whenever you face the problem and try to get help from various public forums like and more.
  • Engage more with the respective datasheet of BMS products when you need to know more about any products rather than or asking help before from others.
Thanks for reading until the end. comment in the below box if you need more explanation.

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7 thoughts on “Guide for BMS Operator”

  1. Good Article 👍… Its help me a lot. I have 2 year experience as a technician in ELV. Can i apply to BMS operator jobs? Is any preference getting to apply BMS operator jobs related to my ELV experience.

  2. Haven’t seen this guide yet,Really appreciate for this type guides for the Building management system.
    I want a BMS book, what do I have to do for that?


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